- K.L. Jelly

So we arrive in the sun-splashed melting pot of Kuala Lumpur on Friday afternoon. At the arrival gate we ignored the taxi hawks so as to avoid an overpriced fare. This meant that we also managed to avoid our included-in-the package chauffer and ended up getting a taxi to the city center. J.L is well kicked in – obviously. Autopilot led us to a local bar for beers, street-watching and an early nite. Dublin was still only around the last corner and it wasn’t the oven I expected here, it being only the evening after all. It did have that blade-runner look of a modern asian city going on though. Huge rain droplets were a good sign we were in the tropics but the shower only lasted a minute. In KL it rains every day, but not all day!

Good old J.L. made us waken at lam on our first proper day so I finished off my trashy airport novel "Cell" by Stephen King (I was glad to get it over with) and it took us to a 6am breakfast in the hotel. This was an all-you-can-eat feast of local fare that was more dinner-like than petite dejeuner which suited our mal-adjusted body-clocks. I had massive bowl of strange tropical fruit to finish and we set off for the 2 Towers..hmmm sounds like a familiar tale!!! I don’t think hobbits (or al-queada) used an elevated trains as transport though….

Is that a monorail?
Just like the one in north haverbrook and ogdenville..
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