- Music city

Here's a couple of ads that i spotted in The Sydney Morning Herald. I better get onto my agent about the first one and as regards the second one, i guess it's not a "shit business" after all!!!!!!
(League of Gentlemen reference there, folks)

.... oh and Mark Pritchard plays free on sunday.......and they're giving away matmos stuff too. (eric - go figure!)

For the train-spotters out there "Boards of Canada" are releasing new EP "Trans Canada Highway" and so I dedicate these few shots of a banal sydney train station to them as the colour schemes exactly the same. It also sort of turned into a butterfly effect which i think is rather nice too. See here.

A few Sundays ago i went to my second Sydney avante garde/weirdo night a-la Dublin's Lazybird gigs at International Bar. This one was in an artists studio space which was a slight improvement on the first gig i met Aphex fan, Ryan, at on our first evening as sydney central residents. That place was a factor 10 squat but a 100% enjoyable gig with about 4 acts, electronics, droney guitars, disassembling drum kits and plenty of noise. Of course we met Ryan there who has since driven us up to the blue mountains and generally been an alround nice Adelaidian who knows his music. This time I had my camera and took plenty of snaps and alittle movie of some out-there guitar improv from a Tazzy involving all sorts of toys... childrens and adults and some darkly comic radio crackle involving the at -the-time stranded miners of the Beaconsfield distaster which was headlining all week. My kind of sick puppy.

Nialls been to a few more gigs than me and saw some The Necks action last week with Rob and by all accounts it was triffic. The Necks are a Jazzy/Droney 3-peice who appeared on SBS's experimental music documentary a few weeks ago and were damn bloody good. They reminded me of Steve Reich only less orchestral - live ambient music created on Bass, drums and piano.

In my rivetting new job i get the chance to listen to the radio all day practically as i work and after searching through the nightmare christian rock channels....which have the added horror of being Australian christian rock channels, i found "triple J" which has excellent music, no ads and intelligent presenters. They play indie,lo-fi and elecronica in the mornings and breaks and drum and bass in the afternoon but sadly haven't progressed onto the heavier side of electronica. Still they've been showcasing Robert Moog stuff all week as it is his brithday despite being dead so it's great to hear.
There was aslo the Surry Hills festival last weekend. It had plenty of music on offer - drum and bass dj'd, that awful australian house music and some live acts ranging from reggae to experimental. The weather was a bit off so i didn't really stay too long to be honest - met some nice hungarian and austrian folks, freinds of Anna-Maria, from the dojo, who is keen on some dancing at some point - and i am so game for that!
What else music wise? I'm working on Quentins remix project and should have something for him soon and will find some suitable images to lash it into video format for the aul blog.

Bizarre...I'm subscribed to the triple j Ross Noble podcast...
Richard / RedBloc
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