- The Two Towers

As expected there was a massive queue at the Patrona towers centre. Most of the throng were other Asians and it really highlighted the diversity of the place – its made up of Chinese, Malay and Indian nationals. We got our free tickets to the 42nd of the 88 floors in total sky-bridge that links the towers and had 2 hours to kill before the 15 minute tour. The massive shopping centre below seemed like a good place to hang out so we went all dawn-of-the dead and joined the slow-moving early-morning shoppers below. Right then we could have been in any city in the world. We were on the search for cheap digital cameras but I reckon we were in the wrong place for that. KL stands out though as being obviously Muslim, as indicated by the tell-tale headscarfs you see everywhere.

The towers tour was pretty cool and allowed us to see the sprawl of KL with the hazed-out mountains on the horizon. This building was built at the peak of Malaysia’s “celtic” tiger but it was hard to tell if the city was doing as well as it once had. On the way back to the “golden triangle” where the hotel was, we saw a curious run-down colonial type building slowly being taken over by the plantlife. There were afew wild dogs patrolling so my first thoughts of jumping over the gate to investigate turned into second thoughts. The place reminded us of the cities past prosperity. We went on the hunt for cheaper cameras at the market are but found them not much less expensive than before. However we remembered that it’s the done thing to haggle so it seems we could get a bargain after all. To be sure we took some notes of the camera types so we could google some reviews/prices and make sure we got a choice option.

While strolling around two Malay ladys – they were defintely non-boys, chatted to us from there al fresco meal and invited us to join them. They weren’t exactly flush with youth although they were very friendly so we made out we just ate and had a rendesvous with some phantom swedish air-hostesses. It turned out they were from Kota Kinabalu where we were going the next morning and they were on the town in KL for the weekend. Visions of international incidents in the bedroom passed through out time-zoned-out minds and we moved on.
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